6809 White Oak Ave Lake Balboa 91335 | Hours: Mon – Fri 8:45 AM – 5 PM | (888) 213-0009

Peridontal Cosmetic Surgery

Periodontal Plastic Surgery

Fixing the “Gummy” Smile

If you have healthy teeth but do not enjoy the look of your smile First Dental Implant Center does have options for you! A smile that doesn’t give you confidence or keeps you from smiling in photos is one that can be corrected.

A gummy smile is one that shows a wider landscape of gum. With proper periodontal procedures, this can be corrected to give you the look you desire. Known as “Crown Lengthening” this restorative procedure allows you to eat, smile, and speak with self-confidence.

This surgical operation removes the excess gum and bone tissue that covers your teeth. A surgery that is often done before a dental crown procedure. With proper techniques and knowledge this same procedure can be used for cosmetic reasons.

While researching your options for any crown lengthening procedures it is important that you find a Board-Certified Periodontist who understands gum disease and restorative dental operations and techniques.

When Do We Use Crown Lengthening?

For some, we use this procedure when the gum line does not allow enough room for proper placement of crowns. If not done before crowns are placed, they will not fit correctly and can cause irritation and pain.

If you have decayed or broken teeth that go above the gum line, a dental crown is used to repair damage and prevent further issues. We have learned to use this to correct a gummy smile as well. Crown Lengthening is used to expose more of the tooth leading to a fuller more confident smile.

The Procedure

This routine surgical procedure is one that is performed often and solves a variety of dental needs. It can be performed on one tooth or several depending on your needs. Fortunately, this simple procedure can be done using a local anesthetic. For those with fear or reservations about the procedure we can use a more powerful sedative to ensure maximum comfort. Your options will be discussed with your dentist before the operation.

There is often little to no pain or discomfort during the crown lengthening operation. Using proper anesthesia techniques, you won’t feel the dentist reshaping the gum and bone tissue that has been masking your beautiful smile.

Incisions will be made to expose more of the tooth, once the operation is complete, your dentist will use sutures to close the wounds and allow for proper healing.

As with many operations, there may be mild discomfort and tenderness within the days following your appointment. To better assist in your recovery and decrease your downtime, Dr. Hilario may prescribe medications to reduce pain. You will likely also be prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection.

Your recovery time is usually minimal. Within one day after your surgery you will can resume your normal activities. Getting you back to your responsibilities with a more confident smile, there’s no reason to wait.

It is our goal to help you achieve the healthy smile that you achieve. Your comfort and ability to have procedures done with minimal pain is our goal. If you have a gummy smile contact us!

Osseous Surgery

Osseous Surgery

For many, Periodontal Disease can be treated with less-invasive means such as Scaling and Root Planing. If your infection and the decay of your gums and underlying bone is severe Osseous surgery is probably right for you.

Issues that affect the mouth may lead to other, more severe health effects. From chronic pain to infection that causes heart and neurological problems, if not properly treated, obtaining proper dental treatments can help with a lot of other health issues as well.

As Periodontal Disease spreads, the bacteria associated with it not only causes decay and risks to your healthy teeth, it can also cause other more serious health problems. Early detection is best to avoid surgery but when necessary, our periodontist is ready to get you healthy again!

Periodontal Disease is caused by the build-up of plaque. As this is untreatable at home, a dentist will provide care that reverses the damage and relieves other issues. We take care to ensure the treatment you receive is best for your individual needs. If Osseous Surgery is needed, our Dentist will assess and evaluate the best options for you.

Osseous surgery is also known as “Flap Surgery.” Depending on the level of severity, other treatments tried, and the advanced stages of Periodontitis, you may be a candidate for the surgery.

It is our goal to save your teeth. For us to do that, we need to remove the bacteria, plaque, and decay from your bone structure and gums. Saving the teeth that you already have is the best way to keep your smile and body healthy.

The Benefits

As to not cause an excessive amount of discomfort, the procedure will be done in sections. A local anesthetic will be applied, and our Dentist will begin to remove plaque and tartar from inside the gum line.

Deep into the roots and bone, the periodontitis will be corrected from within. Once the removal of build-up is complete, the bone and teeth pockets will be smoothed out reversing the damage done by the disease. Once completed, sutures will be applied so that healing can begin.

After your surgery, you will notice a difference in your gums and health. By removing all bacteria and filling the pockets formed by Periodontal disease, the mouth can begin to heal. Brushing and caring for your teeth will become much easier after the process is complete.

Your future dental visits will also be more comfortable. As infection is decreased and healing is complete, you will visit the dentist for routine cleanings and check-ups.

Gum Grafting

Gum Tissue Grafts: What You Need to Know

A gum graft is not as bad as it may sound. The procedure protects your teeth from gum recession, and it can improve the look of your smile.

Gum recession is a common dental problem affecting 4% to 12% of patients. It occurs when gum pulls away from the tooth. This exposes more of the tooth, and in some cases, the tooth root. In severe cases, the supporting bone can become damaged.

Many people are surprised when we tell them their gums are receding. Since it’s such a gradual process, they don’t realize more of their tooth or teeth are exposed until we tell them, or they start suffering from tooth sensitivity.

Untreated gum recession can lead to tooth loss, which is why gum tissue grafts are so important.

What to Expect During the Procedure?

We perform three types of gum tissue graft procedures.

Connective-tissue grafts
Free gingival grafts
Pedicle grafts

Connective-Tissue Grafts

Connective-Tissue Grafts is the most common procedure performed. We cut a flap of skin from the roof of your mouth and subepithelial connective tissue from under the flap. We remove them and then stitch the gum tissue around the tooth root. Once the connective tissue is removed from under the flap, we stitch the flap back in place.

Free Gingival Grafts

This procedure is similar to the procedure above but involves using the tissue from the roof of the mouth. A small amount of tissue is removed from this area and then attached to the gum area that’s being treated. We usually perform free gingival grafts on patients who have thin gums because this procedure adds additional tissue to make the gums larger.

Pedicle Grafts

This procedure removes tissue from the gum areas that not being treated. We cut a flap of the gum (called pedicle) to the edge leaving it still attached. The flap is then pulled over and down over the exposed root. The gum is sewed down to secure it in place. We only perform pedicle grafts on people who have plenty of gum to use.

Recovery from Gum Tissue Grafts

Patients may go home immediately following the procedure. Those who need a sedative to relax will need to have someone drive them home.

It is important to follow our post-operative care instructions to support the healing process. These instructions include foods and physical activities to avoid and medications to treat discomfort.

You should not brush or floss your teeth until the area has healed completely. To keep plaque away, you will receive a special mouth rinse. An antibiotic may be prescribed to reduce the risk of infection.

How long it takes to recover depends on the gum graft procedure performed. Most patients are completely healed within two weeks.

Contact First Dental Implant Center for Gum Tissue Grafts

If your dentist has recommended a gum tissue graft, First Dental Implant Center can help. Dr. Michael A. Hilario specializes in this procedure, so you can rest assured you’re in good hands. With two convenient locations in Reseda and Agoura Hills, contact us now for an appointment at 888-213-0009.

Crown Lengthening

First Dental Offers Crown Lengthening

As dentists, we often focus our attention on health and oral care. But that is not the only reason we’re good at what we do. For many, a healthy smile is not just important, it’s also something that makes people feel less self-confident.

If you’ve ever been ashamed to smile for the camera, or carefully eaten food when surrounded by others, we are happy to help you too! People who have what’s known as a “gummy” smile are those who feel that more teeth should be shown instead of more gum. As a patient of First Dental, your comfort, care, and confidence are what matters!

We have the perfect tools and procedures to correct the gummy smile, allowing you to participate in activities with confidence. The procedure is simple and can be done right in our office. It is known as “Crown Lengthening” and can be used for various reasons.

What is Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is a cosmetic dental procedure that exposes more of your beautiful teeth that have been hiding under your gum line. The techniques that we use in crown lengthening are long-lasting and effective.

Classified as a surgical procedure, we remove pieces of the gum and bone that are obstructing the view of the tooth. This is a common technique that we use for dental crowns to expose more of the tooth. It can also be used to correct your gummy smile.

Due to the invasive nature of crown lengthening, it is vital to your safety and comfort to only have a professional Periodontist who specializes in gum disease and restorative dental procedures. We are happy to have you in for a consultation to weigh your options and tell you more!

Why Does Someone Need Crown Lengthening

As stated previously, crown lengthening can be used for a variety of reasons. Mainly for exposing more of the tooth to allow proper placement of dental crowns. We also use this procedure to work on broken or decaying teeth.

Of course, we also use this procedure for patients who simply want more of their teeth exposed. By removing a small part of the gum, we can achieve the look and confidence you’ve been longing for.

The Procedure

As qualified professionals, we are dedicated to giving you results that will make you happy and confident. When performing a crown lengthening procedure, there are steps that we take to ensure this outcome.

Depending on your needs, we can perform this procedure over one tooth or all of them. For your comfort, we begin by applying local anesthesia to the area that we are working. For some patients, we may use a heavier sedative if needed.

Once you are unable to feel anything in the area, our dentist will remove some of the gum tissue. It may be necessary to remove small portions of bone as well. We will discuss this during your consultation.

Once completed, we will then suture the gums sealing the work. Most often, patients can resume normal activities the next day.


Get Rid Of Loose Dentures

Around the world, there are millions of people with missing teeth requiring dentures. Many dental patients cope with poorly-fitting or lose dentures. If you identify with such issues, then you know the distress caused by slipping dentures and problems like the inability to have the food you like and dealing with tacky denture adhesives. It’s time to get rid of the dentures and ask your dentist to restore your natural smile through Dr.’Kass’s STUNNING SYSTEM.

Ask your dentist how to restore and maintain your natural smile with Dr.’Kass’s STUNNING SYSTEM.

Get Back Your Confidence

Many people with conventional dentures prefer not to wear them as they don’t stay sturdily in place. Dr.’Kass’s STUNNING SYSTEM is a dental solution to keep your dentures secure – enabling you to carry on with your daily life with self-confidence. Denture-supported implants have turned out to be a success with many patients, and their number is growing fast owing to the long-term durability, effectiveness, and high success rate of dental implants.

Benefits Of Dr.’Kass’s STUNNING SYSTEM

  • Better diet, eat the foods you like, and enjoy an improved overall health
  • No more difficulty in speaking and awkwardness due to slipping dentures
  • Less irritation in the gum tissue and enhanced comfort
  • No need of inconvenient and more costly denture adhesives
  • Dr.’Kass’s STUNNING SYSTEM can often use an existing denture
  • Minimally invasive, TeethXpress® can usually be done in one day

Periodontal (gum) disease

Treating Periodontal Disease

Understanding the treatment of Gum Disease is much like understanding any other disease. Prevention is key. Identifying risk factors and taking the right steps to prevent further decay is exactly what we do for you! At First Dental Implant Center it is our mission to bring healthy and happy smiles to people just like you!

The health of your mouth doesn’t just affect your teeth. Untreated Periodontal Disease will infect the bone under the gum line and can lead to other, more severe medical issues. Whether you understand the risks or you’re wondering if this is affecting you, our Specialist Dr. Micael A. Hilario has options!

Understanding the risks associated with Dental Care and treatment is the first step to ensuring you have to healthy vibrant smile that you deserve. Each person has different needs and expectations for their care, and we specialize in making sure that you receive the right treatment!

What is Periodontal Disease?

The gum disease known as Periodontal Disease is characterized by inflammation and irritation in the gums. Due to plaque build-up, your gums will become inflamed due to the excess of bacteria.

When Plaque builds up, we are unable to remove it through standard brushing and dental hygiene. Instead, it becomes thick and hard eating away at the connective tissue between your gums and teeth.

If this plaque buildup is caught early enough, we can avoid costly and painful surgeries. Depending on the advancement of your Periodontal Disease we can perform a cleaning procedure known as scaling and root planing.

As you know, proper dental hygiene is important. With early preventative steps, we can help you avoid an invasive and uncomfortable treatment option.

Our Treatment

As a non-surgical treatment, Scaling and Root Planing is a simple and effective solution for gum disease. This procedure can be done in our dentist’s office and only requires a mild numbing agent which reduces pain and discomfort.

Using the proper instruments and ultrasonic tools, our highly skilled hygienists can remove the plaque build-up. After the excess plaque is removed between the teeth and the gum, we will begin the restoration process.

Bacteria cause small pockets in the teeth. We use special tools to smooth these pockets repairing the damage. This will prevent further damage while encouraging healthy teeth.


Once the procedure is complete you must care for your teeth until they’ve healed completely. It is important to only eat soft foods for the first 48-72 hours after the procedure. Avoiding other substances like alcohol and tobacco will also prevent damage during the healing process.

Not only will follow-up visits allow for to continue to control the spread of gum disease, but it will also help us to monitor the healing of the pockets we discussed above. Post-care options are something that will be discussed during your appointment.

As you know, preventative care is the best way to prevent more painful and costly treatments. Give us a call so that we can begin to reverse the damages done by Periodontal Disease and prevent further issues.