6809 White Oak Ave Reseda 91335 | Hours: Mon – Fri 8:45 AM – 5 PM | (888) 213-0009

TMJ Disorder Treatment

TMJ Disorder

The Temporomandibular Joint is the structural system that connects the lower jaw to the skull. Located directly in front of the ear, this joint consists of muscles and bone that help with motion. Actions such as talking, and chewing are all made possible by the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ).

People often experience a variety of symptoms with Temporomandibular Disorder. TMD or TMJ syndrome can become an issue if one has an autoimmune disease or injury to the area. This disorder can be painful and affect your ability to chew, speak, swallow, and even breathe.

TMJ Symptoms

Although more frequently seen in younger adults, this type of disorder can affect anyone. It can be painful, and the symptoms are often short-term or long-term. Due to the location, TMD can affect one or both sides of the face.

Symptoms commonly related to TMD are:

  • Pain & Discomfort
    • For sufferers of TMD pain can vary in intensity and location. Often the pain is experienced at a higher rate if you are chewing, speaking, or yawning. TMD can also be related to muscle spasms, migraines, and gravitate to the shoulders and neck.
  • Tinnitus & Pressure in the ears
    • TMD is commonly misdiagnosed as the symptoms can replicate those of an ear infection. Unfortunately, if not treated properly, this disease can lead to hearing loss in some individuals.
  • Popping & Clicking Sounds
    • Although treatment may not be required, TMD can cause a popping sound in movements such as those listed above. Clicking and popping sounds when chewing or popping may indicate the improper alignment of the jaw.
  • Locking Jaw
    • If the jaw becomes dislocated, it may be difficult or impossible to close your mouth.
  • Painful Chewing
    • Having problems chewing or if chewing becomes painful may be an indicator that your teeth are not lining up properly.
  • Swelling
    • Issues with TMD may cause swelling in the affected area.
  • More Severe Symptoms are:
    • Headaches
    • Nausea
    • Dizziness
    • Vomiting

Although these symptoms seem minor, they can lead to more prominent and uncomfortable problems. From Chronic Headaches to fatigue, lower back pain, and even Fibromyalgia TMD can cause a wide array of serious medical concerns.

The Causes

It can be difficult to understand what is causing TMD for each person. As it results from issues with the jaw; we do understand some factors.

  • Injury
    • An injury that causes a dislocation or even whiplash can cause TMD
  • Oral Habits
    • Teeth grinding or clenching can disrupt the natural process of your jaw and joints, stress can exacerbate this
  • Dental Procedures
    • Procedures, where the mouth must remain in an unnatural state, may cause soreness
  • Osteoarthritis
    • Attacking joints, this disease can also affect the jaw structure
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
    • An inflammatory disease that will affect the joints
  • Cancer/Infections/Deformities
    • Other factors that can contribute to TMD

Treatments such as medications, oral splints, and physical therapy may provide relief to those who are suffering this affliction. With TMJ dentist Dr. Kass will assess your symptoms and help you to find relief.


Why Clear Aligners Offer More Advantages Than Metal Braces

The smooth plastic clear aligners, over some time, straighten teeth without the use of metal wires or brackets. Clear aligners, like traditional braces, treats a range of dental issues effectively, such as teeth with gaps, crowded teeth, crooked teeth, and misaligned bites. 

Your dentist customizes each of the clear plastic trays of Invisalign braces for a perfect fit and helps you attain your distinct smile after shifting the teeth into place gently. The procedure provides better comfort through the treatment process compared to metal braces. Moreover, Invisalign® wearers require fewer dental clinic visits and face fewer restrictions than patients choosing to wear traditional metal braces – making clear aligners the better choice to reclaim the aesthetics of your natural smile.

Several Advantages of Clear Aligners Over Traditional Metal Braces – Better Comfort

In traditional braces, the metal brackets and wires are more likely to cause irritation, pain, or discomfort to your gums and cheeks. Whereas Invisalign®’s personalized smooth plastic trays give greater comfort compared to conventional braces.

Reduced Risk Of Dental Emergencies

Wires and broken brackets are a major cause of emergency dental visits by people wearing traditional braces. The use of clear aligners ELIMINATES the risk of injury due to wires and metal brackets in the mouth.

Clear Aligners Encourage Better Overall Dental Health

When you wear traditional braces, you may face common problems such as plaque buildup, injury to the mouth, tooth discoloration, breakage of brackets, and tooth decay. Whereas clear aligners can be taken off easily, enabling you to clean and care for your teeth properly. Moreover, clear aligners do not pose any threat to your teeth or mouth if there’s an accident.

Fewer Dentist Visits

If you wear traditional metal braces, then you are usually required to see a dentist for adjustments almost every six weeks. On the other hand, those who wear clear aligners make this visit for adjustments every 10 weeks — saving you, over a period of time, more time for work, and personal life!

Improved Appearance

Invisalign® is a more natural-looking and attractive alternative to metal braces as the clear, plastic material used for its trays is almost invisible.

Clear Aligner Wearers Have No Food Restrictions

If you wear traditional braces, food items such as nuts, popcorn, certain candies, and corn on the cob can be difficult to eat and also cause damage to the braces and teeth. However, with clear aligners, patients can eat their favorite food without worrying about damaging teeth or aligners. 

At the First Dental Implant Center, we provide expert dental services to correct crowded, crooked, or misaligned teeth through the highly-effective and comfortable clear aligners system. To schedule your dental consultation, please call First Dental Implant Center at 888-213-0009 to see if clear aligners fit your dental needs.

Our dentist Dr. Kass, a highly qualified and experienced Implantologist, and his team of dentists and skilled and competent staff, have significant experience in providing clear aligner treatments for adults and teens and adults.

The clinic offers a range of dental services including implants, All-on-4® implants, Teeth In One Day, veneers, TMJ, bridges, night guards, braces, sleep apnea treatment, dentures, gum disease treatment, teeth whitening, root canal therapy, and Inlays and Onlays.

Traditional Braces

Braces for Teens

As if growing up wasn’t difficult enough, you’ve just learned that you need braces. Maybe you’ve been asking your parents for them and it’s finally time to get them!

The great thing about braces is; once they’re off, you will have the beautiful and confident smile you envisioned. It’s getting to that point that seems like the hard part. We, at First Dental are here to put your mind at ease.

Braces are a rite of passage for many people. A common treatment for misaligned and misshapen teeth, braces are pretty popular. The journey through an orthodontic procedure is much easier if you understand how they work and what the techniques are.

You may be concerned about how they will look, although common if this is something that you’re concerned about, ask us for things that you can do to relieve that worry. Whether it’s customer color combinations or different styles, we’re happy to help you overcome your fears! Like we said earlier, it’s all worth it when your treatment is done!

How Long Will You Have Them?

The answer to this question can be difficult. Several factors determine how long you will need braces. These factors can vary:

  • Getting them early – The earlier we can get you into a set of braces the better. Timing is key, if you’re too young you’ll have to wait, but if we can get the procedure done as soon as you’re ready it may take less time to restructure your teeth.
  • What needs to be done – The shape and contortion of your teeth may affect how long it takes to get your braces off. Each person is different, and some have faster success than others. One person may only need 12 months while another needs 24.
  • YOU – Your ability to care for your teeth and follow instructions will determine how long it will take for the braces to work. Neglecting to follow the regimens and eating food that you shouldn’t cause issues which lengthen the time you’ll need the braces. Take good care of your teeth, and they will take care of you!

Customizing Your Braces

We offer various styles and materials to make your braces a little more comfortable and a little more you!

With advances in dentistry, we no longer use the headgear and bulky metal braces (most of the time we don’t). Today you can choose whether you want ceramic, invisible, lingual, or traditional metal braces.

We will review these options with you before it’s time to commit to one. Understanding that you can customize your braces, the no longer hurt like they used to, and most people get them at some point may make it a little easier for you to cope with the treatment.

As trusted dentists, it is our mission to provide you with the best treatment options in dentistry. Feel free to call us for a consultation! We’ll be happy to review all of your options and address any concerns that you may have!

Dental Implants

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a permanent and appealing solution to replace missing or extracted teeth. They are better than other alternatives like bridges because no additional teeth need to be altered to place the new tooth.

The entire implant process is performed over the course of a few months. The first part of the process is to install the implant itself, where a screw is placed into the jaw bone. An incision is made in the gum so that the implant can be inserted. Multiple implants can be placed at once if necessary. After the implants are placed the gums are sutured.

The implant must be allowed about 3-6 months to heal, and during this time the jaw bone will form around the implant in a process called osseointegration. During this healing time you can have temporary crowns installed so that you can eat and speak normally and maintain a proper aesthetic appearance for your smile.

Dr. Kass will also determine if you require any of the following procedures before the implant process can begin:

  • Do you require Bone Grafting?
  • Do you require Ridge Preservation?
  • Do you require a Sinus Lift?
  • Do you require Sinus Augmentation?

Once our dental team completes its thorough evaluation, they schedule your surgical appointment in which small titanium posts are surgically inserted into your gums and jawbone utilizing a local anesthetic. The implants are re-covered and allowed to heal.\

For the next few months, the posts gradually fuse to your gum tissue and bone, ensuring a sturdy base on which your permanent replacement teeth are placed. If the dental implants are in a visible part of your mouth – as in the front – our dentist puts a temporary prosthetic while your customized prosthetics are designed.

Following sufficient healing, your personalized prosthetic teeth are attached to the implants utilizing a small abutment. Now you are free to take advantage all the benefits of your new, shiny, and healthy teeth – eat the food you want and smile and interact with confidence for many years to come.

To know how dental implants can be the perfect tooth replacement solution for your dental needs like unstable or missing teeth or tooth, call the First Dental Implant Center at 888-213-0009 for a dental appointment with Dr. Kass who is a well-reputed and qualified Implantologist with more than 20 years of dental know-how in placing implants, All on 4® dental implants, crowns, bridges, and dentures.

Cost of Dental Veneers

How Much Do Dental Veneers Cost?

The painless and straightforward dental treatment of dental veneers can substantially improve your appearance, confidence, and remove aesthetic inhibitions while interacting with people in a matter of a few dental visits.

Dental veneers are recommended by dentists to correct a variety of common dental issues, including teeth that are:

  • Chipped
  • Misshapen
  • Worn Down
  • Broken
  • Have Grooves or Irregular Bumps or grooves
  • Undersized
  • Discolored
  • Have Observable Gaps

Your dentist may also suggest dental veneers following dental procedures that change the natural appearance of your teeth, such as the placement of large fillings, tetracycline treatment, or root canal treatment.

What’s The Cost Of Dental Veneers?

When discussing your options; we will evaluate if you are a great candidate for Lumineers®. Those who have an otherwise healthy smile (teeth, gums, and bone structure) are great candidates. For those who do have tooth decay or gum diseases, we offer treatment that can correct the issues making you eligible for Lumineers®.
hanks to Lumineers® as a solution to many common cosmetic dental issues.

  • Large spaces and gaps between teeth
  • Crooked or misaligned teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Discoloration or stained teeth
  • Uneven teeth
  • Unnatural bridges or crowns

What’s The Cost Of Dental Veneers?

The cost depends on several factors such as the number of veneers placed, location of dental clinic or dentist, qualifications and experience of the dentist, materials used, and the scope of your procedure. The cost of dental veneers can be between several hundred to several thousand dollars after considering the above factors. However, the value of benefits in appearance and self-esteem can be priceless.

Usually, dental veneers are not covered by dental insurance. But you can speak with your insurance provider to find out if part of the dental procedure is covered.

At First Dental Implant Center, we use all our experience and training to offer the best possible dental care and experience at our clinic. So we emphasize dental education and guide all our patients how they can ensure their dental veneers last 10 years and more with proper care, which is no more than what you were doing for your natural teeth.

As dental veneers are a sound and dependable investment, dental patients should not take chances with enticing low-cost or temporary choices offered by unqualified dental practitioners practicing in shoddy facilities. The decision may end up costing you more in time, money, and hassles in the long-term.

To know more about how dental veneers will give you a lasting, beautiful smile, call the First Dental Implant Center at 888-213-0009 for an initial consultation with Dr. Kass and his team of certified and experienced dentists and staff to discuss if veneers suit your dental need.

Dr. Kass is a highly dentist with over 20 years of experience in the dental industry. He and his team at First Dental Implant Center offer a wide range of dental services such as Dental Implants, All-on-4® implants, Teeth In One Day, Invisalign®, braces, bridges, gum disease treatment, night guards, dentures, sleep apnea treatment, Inlays and Onlays, root canal therapy, TMJ, and teeth whitening.

Dental Veneers

About Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers can significantly improve the appearance of your smile. Veneers may be an appropriate dental solution if you are not happy with the natural spacing, shape, length, or color of your teeth or if you underwent a dental procedure that affected the appearance of your teeth.

Dental veneers are made of materials like resin or porcelain and each type of veneer has its merits and demerits for dental patients seeking to change the aesthetics of their smile.

What’s The Cost Of Dental Veneers?

The cost depends on several factors such as the number of veneers placed, location of dental clinic or dentist, qualifications and experience of the dentist, materials used, and the scope of your procedure. The cost of dental veneers can be between several hundred to several thousand dollars after considering the above factors. However, the value of benefits in appearance and self-esteem can be priceless.

Characteristics and Benefits of Veneer Material Type

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers are more naturally-appearing because of the material’s light-reflecting properties. They have better stain resistance compared to veneers that are made using resin composite materials. Gums have better tolerance for porcelain veneers, which also come in colors that lighten the look of dark teeth.

Resin Veneers

As resin veneers are thinner compared to porcelain, they have the advantage of needing less tooth surface before they are placed in the patient’s mouth.

The dental specialists at First Dental Implant Center help you determine if veneers are an appropriate solution for you and which material is most suitable depending on your particular dental needs.

Advantages Of Dental Veneers

  • Veneers are a natural-looking dental solution for improving the appearance of teeth
  • They don’t require comprehensive shaping before placement
  • Veneers afford patients long-term success while altering a tooth’s color and shape
  • They don’t need special care post-placement
  • With proper care, veneers can last 10 years or more

Disadvantages Of Dental Veneers

  • Cost more than composite resin bonding
  • Once veneers are bonded to a patient’s teeth, the process can’t be reversed
  • Broken or chipped veneers are difficult to repair
  • Removal of enamel for placement could increase tooth sensitivity
  • Post-placement, the color of the veneer can’t be modified
  • Veneers can get damaged or decay if they are not cared for properly

However, you must note that dentists do not usually recommend veneers for patients who grind or clench their teeth. Veneers should also not be placed if the tooth is too weak to provide the required support or is too weak.

To know if dental veneers can resolve your dental problem, please call the First Dental Implant Center at 888-213-0009. Ours is a full-range dental practice is particularly experienced in Dental Implants, Teeth In One Day, All-on-4® Implants, and Veneers.

At the First Dental Implant Center, Dr. Kass will help you attain the smile you always wanted. Dr. Kass has a Doctorate in Dental Surgery from the prestigious Marquette University, Milwaukee, and has over 20 years of experience in the dental industry and is widely published.

First Dental Implant Center also offers services such as TMJ, Invisalign®, extractions, braces, dentures, bridges, night guards, sleep apnea treatment, Inlays and Onlays, root canal therapy, gum disease treatment, and teeth whitening.

Dental Lumineers


It’s no secret that a smile is the first thing someone will notice about you. If you don’t smile because you’re embarrassed or ashamed of the current state of your teeth there are certain options.

Whether your smile is slightly off or no longer as white as you’d like, Lumineers® is an extremely thin porcelain slip that is placed over the teeth. Making your teeth look more even and correcting issues with color, this option requires no surgery or invasive techniques.

Building your confidence and giving you the smile that you’ve always wanted ***Insert Clinic*** has great options for you!

Who’s Able to Get Lumineers®

When discussing your options; we will evaluate if you are a great candidate for Lumineers®. Those who have an otherwise healthy smile (teeth, gums, and bone structure) are great candidates. For those who do have tooth decay or gum diseases, we offer treatment that can correct the issues making you eligible for Lumineers®.

Thanks to Lumineers® as a solution to many common cosmetic dental issues.

Lumineers® can treat the following:

  • Large spaces and gaps between teeth
  • Crooked or misaligned teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Discoloration or stained teeth
  • Uneven teeth
  • Unnatural bridges or crowns

Advantages of Lumineers®

Lumineers® are thin and don’t require much downtime after the procedures. Rather than invasive surgery, once theses porcelain covers are placed, they usually last for 20 years. As a long-term less painful solution, many prefer this technique to achieve beautiful smiles.

Lumineers® are completely reversible for those who may want to have them removed. With no injections or drilling, they are exceptionally strong and as thin as a contact lens. Patients can have multiple teeth covered during one visit; however, it will take two visits to fully complete the procedure.

Thanks to the use of Cerinate®, a strong porcelain-based substance, these are not only strong and thin, but they can also be modified in color to achieve a natural look.

The Procedure

When compared with traditional veneers that require some dental drilling, Lumineers® reduces this part of the procedure and therefore takes less time in the dentist’s office. As there is no need for anesthesia, drilling, and sometimes minor etching, this is a great option that will save you time and discomfort.

You will attend an initial session in which we assess your current situation. We will do bite impressions and X-rays to better understand the fit you will need. We will then help you to determine the color and transparency that will help you to decide on the look of the final product.

During this initial exam, our dentist will ensure there are no signs of decay or infection to ensure you will not have underlying problems in the future. It is at this time that the order is sent to the lab to have your Lumineers® crafted.

The second appointment you will have is where your teeth will be fitted, and the porcelain sleeves placed. As the Lumineers® bond to your teeth, some bonding agent may overflow, this will be removed using a beveled featheredge margin. Our dentist will then polish the Lumineers for the finished look.

If you’re ready to have that beautiful, confident smile you’ve always wanted, contact us today!

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are molars often referred to as the “third” molars. This additional set of teeth is the last set to emerge. While our mouths have room for 28 teeth, these molars result in a total of 32. Causing pain and discomfort, the Wisdom Teeth may also cause damage to healthier teeth through crowding.

Often protruding in individuals between the ages of 17 and 25, most people will have to have them removed at some point. Removal and the process can depend on several factors and some never have to have them removed at all.

If you are nervous about the process and downtime after removal, we can put your mind at ease.  Dr. Kass is a highly skilled and well-trained medical professional who focuses on patient care and comfort.

Why Do They Need to Come Out?

As stated above, most people have room for 28 teeth. Wisdom teeth adds four to that number. If you are one of the many who are unable to accommodate the addition to your gums, your teeth may become impacted. This means that the wisdom teeth are unable to break through the gums and line up with the others.

This can be painful and cause other issues to your health. Removal of the wisdom teeth will free up room in your mouth.

Wisdom teeth can cause severely painful infections that lead to other health problems. With impacted Wisdom Teeth, food and bacteria may become trapped. Having the teeth removed reduces the risk of and existence of infection.

If your Wisdom Teeth do not become impacted but do protrude it is likely that they will come in crooked as to fit in their space. Your teeth shift and move with changes. Adding four additional teeth to your mouth means that other well-placed healthy teeth may shift to accommodate.

It is important to your smile that your wisdom teeth be removed before this crowding and shifting occurs.

The pressure that these four teeth can put on your others will cause other problems as well. You are more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease as brushing and flossing will be more difficult.

The Procedure

It’s important to your comfort to be prepared for the procedure that will provide much-needed relief. We start with a consultation to assess your individual needs.

On the day of extraction your dentist will use a local anesthetic to numb the area. It may be necessary to use general anesthetic so that you sleep through the procedure. This may be necessary when multiple Wisdom Teeth are removed at once, or in the event that your teeth are impacted.

Your dentist will remove any tissue or bone that is covering the tooth. At this point they will either cut the tooth into smaller pieces or extract the entire tooth at one time. The factors determining the procedure will depend on heavily on whether the teeth are impacted. If the teeth have already emerged it can be as simple as a standard extraction.

Root Canals

Receive Precise And Comfortable Root Canal Treatment

Root canal therapy treatment or root canal therapy is a standard dental procedure. It is carried out to preserve an infected or badly damaged tooth instead of taking it out, and at the First Dental Implant Center, we complete the painless procedure in an hour.

At the dental office, Dr. Kass and his dental team and staff handle all the root canal cases. They are well-experienced and qualified in the procedure, and use the latest rotary technology to ensure efficient, comfortable, and precise treatment.

What’s Root Canal and Root Canal Procedure?

The phrase ‘root canal’ is derived from the cleaning of the canals (which are pulp-filled cavities) inside a tooth’s root. Repeated dental treatment for a tooth, trauma to tooth, a deep cavity, or a cracked tooth are some of the common reasons why a tooth’s pulp may be affected – requiring root canal treatment.

During the root canal treatment procedure, only the infected pulp is removed from the root canal, and the tooth’s inside is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. It is then sealed with a rubber-like substance. While the root of the tooth is dead, it can still function as the surrounding tissues nourish it. Your dentist will usually position a crown on the treated tooth to safeguard it after the procedure.

The root canal procedure saves your tooth and enables you to maintain proper biting and chewing forces and keeps adjacent teeth in a stable position.

Single-Visit And Cutting-Edge Root Canal Treatment

At the First Dental Implant Center, our dental team carries out the root canal treatment procedure in one sitting. They use the latest dental technology to ensure that the canal is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, and the dental procedure ticks all the boxes.

Electric Rotary Instrument

Our dentist utilizes electric rotary instruments to cleanse the pulp out of the canal. These electric instruments are more efficient and precise compared to traditional hand files.

Dental Microscope

A dental microscope is used to closely view areas in your mouth that can’t be seen in an X-ray and is usually utilized by our endodontist for complex dental procedures.

The microscope offers sufficient magnification to help the dentist view the interior of the tooth in detail and treat the detected issues with precision. This dental equipment also enables the dentist to immediately take the next step in the procedure: top the tooth with a restoration and not wait for the tooth to heal. The microscope allows the dentist to be certain that the tooth was treated successfully and that there were no potential complications.

The outcome is efficient, and the treatment comprehensive with negligible to no postoperative discomfort or the need for pain medication or antibiotics following the procedure. 

How To Know If I Need Root Canal Therapy

An infected tooth’s pulp can often cause a toothache and probably an abscess. While some patients don’t feel the accompanying pain, continuing pain is a clear-cut symptom. If you observe any of the signs and symptoms mentioned below, contact your dentist to receive immediate treatment before your oral health worsens.

  • Discolored tooth
  • The bottom of the root is tender
  • Act of biting hurts the tooth
  • There’s swelling around the region around your gum line
  • Pimple or an abscess near the tooth
  • Unexpected pain that has no apparent trigger
  • Lasting extreme sensitivity to cold and heat following exposure to a cold or hot stimulus

In case you have any of the above symptoms, please call us at 888-213-0009. and schedule an initial dental consultation with Dr. Kass at the First Dental Implant Center. Dr. Kass is a highly experienced and qualified Implantologist, and he and his team of dentists and competent staff have carried out many root canal procedures with excellent results.

The First Dental Implant Center also provides dental services such as implants, Teeth In One Day, All-on-4® implants, TMJ, bridges, veneers, braces, sleep apnea treatment, night guards, dentures, Inlays and Onlays, gum disease treatment, and teeth whitening.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Sleep issues are common, the inability to sleep or stay asleep is prominent and can affect anyone. What may surprise you is that some of these disorders can be attributed to dental problems.

As sleep apnea interrupts your rest it’s never too late to explore your options. Whether you feel like you are not getting enough rest, or you are snoring often, understanding how airway obstruction is affecting you is the key to solving an abundance of other issues.

If you are having sleep-related issues and have yet to find relief, First Dental Implant Center is ready to help! Finding relief from sleep-related problems can be difficult. If you are having trouble getting answers to health problems and Apnea we are here for you.

What Causes Sleep Apnea

As you sleep and your muscles relax your tongue may block airwaves and cause snoring and other issues. Although uncomfortable, this blockage is not altogether worrisome. When the blockage becomes more prevalent and you are unable to breathe, sleep apnea may occur.

In more severe cases, you may notice that you are not waking up feeling rested after a full night’s sleep. A blockage that severely limits airflow can happen several times during your sleep. Disrupting breathing from a few seconds to more than a minute; obstructive sleep apnea can lead to more severe health problems.

These problems vary but can be linked to:

  • Issues with the heart such as Arrhythmia, Hypertension, and Heartburn
  • Neurological issues such as headaches and even stroke
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
  • Impotence & Reduced Libido
  • Diabetes & emotional issues such as irritability and Depression

There are options for consultations to determine if these issues may be caused by sleep problems related to dental health. Contact ***Insert Clinic*** to see what options we have available for you.

The Treatment

Once our consultation determines that the issue is caused by obstructions, we can determine a treatment plan for you.

It is our goal to get you healthy, comfortable, and confident in your care. Based on our determination of your oral health there are actions that we can take. Diminishing your obstructive sleep apnea will begin with customizing a device to fit your mouth. As every person is different and has unique needs, we will help you to find the best option.

A device that holds your lower jaw in a forward position will elongate your mouth allowing more room for oxygen to travel in your airways. Managing the way that your tongue and throat align will stop the blockage of your airway.

Using a custom-designed oral device successfully to stop your inability to get rest while also preventing unnecessary surgery or medication. By reducing the underlying factors of related health issues, you will begin to feel better.

The specialists at First Dental Implant can determine whether a custom device is right for you. Contact us, we’ll be happy to provide much-needed answers during one of our consultations.